We teach students about the importance and benefits of healthy habits as part of our Values and Character programme which includes the PSHE (Personal Social Health Education) and we promote physical activity, a balanced diet and self-care activities throughout our curriculum and school life.
Healthy eating
At Ark Pioneer Academy we want every child to enjoy meal times and eat well through the school day.
Our hot school meals are freshly prepared every day, on site, by our catering team and rotate through a three-weekly menu. We also have a range of cold food options including wraps, sandwiches and baguettes on offer.
Break time snacks include hot options as well as juices, yoghurts and fruit.
We also run a breakfast club, free for all Free School Meals pupils, and available to all pupils from 8 - 8:20am
Pupils can bring snacks and packed lunches into school - we ask that these are healthy and all food must be nut free.
You can read more about our school meals here:
Mental health & wellbeing
We promote positive mental health for every student and member of staff, and have both a universal whole-school approach to mental health, together with specialised, targeted approaches for vulnerable students.
Though our Values & Character programme, we teach pupils about the importance of mental Health and Wellbeing. This includes for example, learning about strategies such as mindfulness, managing stress and anxiety and knowing where there is support should you have a concern or feel worried about something.
Our mentoring programme provides support for pupils on a one-to-one and small group basis, including for social, emotional and behavioural needs ranging from 'Tea-and-Talk' interventions to group reading clubs to art therapy.
We also collaborate with children's mental health charity Place2Be. Place2Be is there to help children find ways to cope with difficult feelings or situations, so their worries don't get in the way of their friendships, their learning or how they feel about themselves. Place2Be's counsellor works with individuals one-to-one or in small groups, giving regular support for pupils who need it. Place2Be alongside our safeguarding and pastoral team always get agreement from parents/carers before supporting an individual through one-to-one counselling, and meet with parents or carers regularly to keep them updated.
Physical activity
Our PE curriculum is designed to improve our pupils' overall fitness, stamina and flexibility. Units across each year and key stage develop the following:
- Flexibility exercise: Pupils develop agility, learning the benefits and techniques for stretching and movement in a full range of motion
- Strength and stamina: Strength exercises help pupils to build healthy muscles, advancing their strength and stamina
- Aerobic exercise. Cardiovascular training is an important component of pupils' fitness, keeping their heart and lungs strong
- Circuit training. Pupils can apply their strength and stamina, and develop greater levels of fitness through circuit training, combining aerobic exercise, strength, stamina and flexibility