Our school week at Ark Pioneer is made up of 34 timetabled periods. This is broken down into 32 periods of lessons and 2 periods of enrichment for every pupil; each of these is 50 minutes in length. Enrichment takes place period 7 on Thursdays and Fridays.
In addition to this, pupils have 5 periods of tutor time through the week, each lasting 30 minutes. During this time, pupils study the Values and Character programme, which includes Citizenship development. Computing skills are built in across our subject offer, our Values & Character programme and individual pillar days and enhanced by our Digital Strategy, ensuring our pupils are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)
In Key Stage 3, the weighting of lessons for each subjects during a typical week is:
English - 6 |
PE - 2 |
Maths - 5 |
Art -2 |
Science - 4 |
Design & Technology - 1 |
History - 3 |
Music - 1 |
Geography - 3 |
Drama - 1 |
French - 3 |
Enrichment - 2 |
Religious Education - 1 |
Values & Character programme - 2.5 |
Chloe Harris
Alex Allman
Tahmina Sultana
Rajiv Biswas
Shaniqua Devonish-Clarke
Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11)
In Year 10, pupils start their GCSEs. Pupils choose a mixture of 9-12 of the subjects below as part of the options process in Year 9. You can read about the choices available here.
In Key Stage 4, the weighting of lessons for each subjects during a typical week is:
Core Subjects |
Options Subjects |
English - 6 |
Art & Design – 3 |
Maths - 5 |
Computer Science – 3 |
Science - 7/6* |
Drama – 3 |
Personal Development |
French – 3 |
Core PE - 2 |
Geography – 4 |
Enrichment - 2 |
History – 4 |
Values & Character programme - 2.5 |
Music – 3 |
Physical Education – 3 |
Product Design – 3 |
Religious Education - 3 |
* Triple Scientists have 7 lessons of science
Coral Butler-Hardy
Year 11
In year 11, pupils will be exposed to a grown up, sophisticated study of their chosen GCSE subjects as they complete their second year of Key Stage 4.
Our subject leads have planned backwards in every subject from university readiness. Our programme for year 11 in each subject ensures every pupil can be successful in GCSE and ready for choices post 16.
Sidonie Scott
On maternity leave
Lydia Walker
Acting Head of Year 11
Sixth form
We offer two key pathways at Ark Pioneer Sixth Form.
A Level Pathway
We offer an exciting range of A Level subjects that we know are valued highly by good universities, and that allow you to keep your progression options as open as possible. Most students will study three linear A levels; some will take a fourth subject, depending on GCSE results.
Entry criteria: 3 subjects at GCSE Grade 6-9 and 2 at Grade 5-9 including at least Grade 4 in English and Maths. You will also need to meet the individual entry criteria for specific subjects.

Professional Pathways
Professional Pathways is an innovative programme of study for pupils across the Ark Schools Network. Students work towards a BTEC Extended Diploma while also completing a ‘wraparound’ work readiness programme, exclusive to Ark schools. This programme is aimed at preparing students to apply for selective universities or for progression directly into employment through school leaver programmes or degree apprenticeships.
We offer two Professional Pathways in Business and Applied Science.
Entry criteria: 3 subjects at GCSE Grade 5-9 and 2 at Grade 4-9 including at least Grade 4 in English and Maths. To complete the Professional Pathway Science you must have achieved at least a 5-4 in Trilogy Science.
Year 12
Our year 12 programme will ensure strong foundations are built for A Level success.
Throughout year 12, we support every pupil in choosing the right university pathway, high level apprenticeship or career with confidence. Our Values and Character programme and Enrichment offer support every pupil's personal development daily and challenge all pupils to think deeply about their future choices.
Chris Wyartt
Lucia Tamburello
Year 13
In year 13, pupils will have individual support and rigorous preparation to be successful in their final school-based examinations. In addition, they will have expert advice to prepare their UCAS application and develop confidence prior to initial university, apprenticeship or career interviews.