Home School agreement
Pupils, parents/carers and school leaders sign a ‘Home School’ agreement when a child joins our school. This is a joint promise that all of us will work closely to put in place the support required for our children to succeed.
You can read about the full expectations in our home school agreement, shared in our Behaviour Policy:
Parent voice
Parents and carers are an integral part of our school community, and their feedback forms an essential part of our ongoing development and improvement.
We survey parents three times a year to gather views on the education your child is receiving, and to understand where can do better. In the autumn term, this is our own survey, in spring we take part in a network-wide Ark survey and in summer, we run focus groups to gain parent/carer feedback. Links are shared in our weekly parent update from the Principal, which is sent out on Wednesday afternoons.
After each survey opportunity, we have a Parent Forum, to discuss, issues and proposed actions and to gain ideas from parents on developing our practice further. These take place on the Wednesday evening after each half term break, onsite in school. We share all feedback via our Principal's update so parents who cannot attend are kept up-to-date and can still feed into improvements.
You can also share your feedback via these channels:
- Directly with a member of our staff - including speaking in person to the Principal & senior staff on gate duty at the start or the end of every school day
- By contacting your child's Form Tutor or Head of Year
- Via main school office, including marking for the attention of the Principal to arrange a time to speak
- Via Ofsted's Parent View tool. This survey consists of 12 short questions around topics such as teaching and behaviour
Weekly updates
Each Wednesday, parents will receive a weekly update from our Principal.
This includes
- updates on forthcoming parent events, such as webinars, Academic Review meetings, etc
- links to regular parent surveys
- updates on school events, such as speakers or competitions being held
- information on the current curriculum, termly assessment and revision
- additions/changes to the school canteen menu
- key reminders relating to school life including uniform, attendance/punctuality and behaviour
- updates following on from changes to government policies or guidelines
Parent webinars and workshops
We hold workshops for parents to help parents with their child's learning and development at home.
We also collect a series of guides and resources that are available on Spark. This covers topics such as supporting your child's learning, keeping safe online, and maintaining good mental health.