This is our inaugural musical production following the disruption during the pandemic. Little Shop of Horrors is a dark comedy musical that follows the story of a down on this luck flower shop assistant, Seymour, who discovers a strange and interesting plant named “Audrey 2”. Things start to look up for Seymour until he finds the plant has a taste for human flesh and blood! The dark storyline contrasts wacky, comical characters and catchy sixties-style music. The musical starred 50 pupils from Years 7 to 9, singing, dancing & acting. Twenty-three pupils from years 8 and 9 worked on the set design and props for the show. Congratulations to all pupils involved who may this show happen, particularly those who braved the stage taking on lead roles – you did a fantastic job! Thank you to Mrs Britton, Assistant Principal & Ms Melrose, Lead Teacher of Drama, who put in so much work since January directing and producing the show. Thanks also to Ms Barnes, our Head of Music, who supported us throughout, bringing the band together and polishing our singers! Shout out to Mr Rouse, whose guest appearance as the plant impressed us all!
Little Shop of Horrors
We were wowed last night and earlier on Tuesday with the evening and matinee performances of Little Shop of Horrors!