First Give Film Premiere!

We were so proud to be part of the First Give programme at the end of last year, and delighted to now share a special film celebrating this
first give

We were so proud to be part of the First Give programme at the end of last year, and delighted to now share a special film celebrating this: 

Last years' year 8 pupils learnt about social issues in their communities and chose to focus on issues important to them. Each homegroup researched charities and as a class, chose one to represent.

Pupils planned and delivered social action activities (fundraising, awareness raising, volunteering) in support of their charities, including bake sales, protests and charity visits. Pupils also learnt public speaking skills and put together creative presentations about the work of their charity and what their class has done to support it. 

Each homegroup chose one group to represent their class at Ark Pioneer’s First Give Final on 23rd March. Our panel of judges included Concillor Alison Moore, Mayor Of Barnet, Dr Barnes, our Chair of Governors & past winning pupils Naomi from 9 Mandela & Meriem from 10 Moore. 

All pupil groups across the year performed amazingly well in the final, making their homegroup, their tutors, Head of Year Ms Butler-Hardy and the charities they represented so proud.