Ark Pioneer's staff peloton left Trafalgar Square pumped and ready for their 85km cycle to Brighton! With their helmets, padded cycling shorts and matching sponsored jersey’s – they took off in high spirits. They reached the halfway mark in good time and had a bite to eat, fuelling their stomachs ready for the second leg of the journey. But as soon as they set off the heavens opened and rain poured. This did not deter our cyclists – and spurred them on even more to get through the most challenging parts of their journey. Up and down the hills they pedalled and the team continuously supported and motivated one another to keep rolling and going!
We were so happy to see them all as they reached Brighton’s pebbly beach – with some of the cyclists even running and jumping into the sea to calm their muscles down.
Huge congratulations to all cyclists – Ark Pioneer are very proud of you!
Sponsorship donations towards our minibus can be made here: