Y7 Barnet Museum visitors – Bringing the Battle of Barnet to life!

We were honoured to host Mike Noronha and Hilary Harison from the Barnet Museum last week for a special lesson on the Battle of Barnet

We were honoured to host Mike Noronha and Hilary Harison from the Barnet Museum last week for a special lesson on the Battle of Barnet, which took place during the Wars of the Roses in 1471. Having recently learnt about the key events, twists and turns and betrayals of this dramatic conflict for the crown in class, every Year 7 class was able to have a session with our visitors from Tuesday to Thursday. Mike recapped the key characters and events that led to the battle before Hilary took the role of the battle master and organized the pupils to reenact the day. Finally, replicas and objects from the museum relating to the battle were showed to the pupils before being passed around for handling, leading to fantastic scenes with pupils wearing breastplates and helmets, and even handling a 16th century musket and a billhook replica. There was also arrowheads and chainmail for the pupils to feel. The pupils engaged brilliantly with the sessions, and we look forward to offering this opportunity again next year for the new cohort.