Summer Fayre

Huge thanks to all parents, pupils and staff who supported with our Summer Fayre last Friday!
summer fayre

Huge thanks to all parents, pupils and staff who supported with our Summer Fayre last Friday!

From sumo wrestling to arts and crafts stalls, big band music performances to the local army corps – we were entertained for the chilly June afternoon.

Special thanks to parents who hosted our wonderful international street food stall – with tasty meals from around the world giving everyone the sustenance they needed. There were many sweet treats including ice-cream, popcorn and the very popular candy floss. The group gathered for sport competitions throughout the afternoon including the very popular plank hold stall. We gathered at the end to see the final tombola prizes shared and the hotly anticipated raffles.

It was an incredible team effort and wonderful food, drinks and activities for everyone involved.

All money raised at this event will go towards our funding of a school minibus. We are still totalling the fundraising and will share before the end of term. One final event occurs this weekend -

Ark Pioneer's staff peloton takes on London to Brighton this Saturday 8th July 2023; a tough full day cycle, pedalling a whopping distance of 88.6km. We welcome donations for this keen bunch & our minibus fund here: