Basketball Rewards trip to Copper Box

Following the start of Basketball club in Spring term the PE department took 40 pupils to the Copper Box Arena on 7th Feb to Watch the London Lions play the Wolves in the Euro League cup.
basketball trip

Following the start of Basketball club in Spring term the PE department took 40 pupils to the Copper Box Arena on 7th Feb to Watch the London Lions play the Wolves in the Euro League cup.

At a packed-out stadium the pupils got to experience a high-level match in which both teams displayed some amazing skills and pushed for the win! Pupils were visibly excited about the action and cheering as the baskets were scored! All pupils were brilliantly behaved on the trip and discussing their favourite players and plays of the night on the journey home. We hope this inspires more sporting success and participation in the sporting opportunities we have upcoming at Ark Pioneer.


Mr Russell, Head of PE