All pupils belong to a homegroup, named after a role model who has modelled our school values amidst many challenges. Each homegroup’s tutor is the main parental link and delivers our Values & Character programme to pupils each morning, taught in their form base.
For most subjects, pupils are taught in mixed ability teaching groups (including a mix of prior attainment, gender, primary school, EAL & SEND needs); we believe this is the right balance to ensure every child genuinely develops a growth mindset. We work hard to ensure every child in these groups is motivated to achieve their potential and challenged and supported to do so. Pupils learn in subject specialist spaces or department corridors.
In English, we have a seventh, smaller group in years 7 & 8 in which we offer tailored support to those furthest behind in their reading age and writing capability. This is supplemented by further reading interventions appropriate to the child’s reading age (including phonics, Lexia and guided reading). English in year 9, English groups are blocked together and set in order to offer a more tailored curriculum and support pupil progress.
In maths and science, we have a streamed grouping in year 7 and 8, ensuring pupils follow precisely the right curriculum based on their prior attainment. This supports accelerated progress and success in GCSE curricula in these subjects. Pupils are set in maths and science from year 9 onwards. We never communicate set numbers or discuss grouping with pupils, other than reiterating that the group they are in ensures they are challenged to achieve their potential and that we are working to ensure every child does well enough in GCSE to have real options and choices for their future.
In year 10 & 11, English, maths and science groups are blocked individually allowing each group to set according to subject attainment and deliver a tailored curriculum to support pupil progress across the attainment spectrum. Most options groups are mixed ability, however, in subjects with multiple groups there is streaming again to support tailoring teaching and curriculum to the specific needs of pupils, ensuring they make strong progress.